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Mullor offers solutions in Facility Services and Outsourcing to our clients since 1941.
We are a family firm that has specialized over the past 80 years to provide closer services, adapted to our client's needs.
We are experts in Facility Services and Outsourcing activities including technical hygiene, technical services, maintenance, auxiliary services, pest control and mass catering, among others.
Thanks to our extensive experience, we offer Much More than Facility Services providing our clients with operational maturity in addition to a certified and trained staff for each of the services that we offer.
Our vocation for services and a well-done work is the key of our experience and increasing trend in the maintenance and general services in enterprises.
We offer a wide variety of Facility Services because we believe that every client is unique.
This is why we structure in a very precise and organized way the required services for every new project, with the intensity and the working methodology that better adapts to everyone.
Because all services are one in the end: the best combination for every client, with reliability, flexibility and quality.
If you want to work with us, you can send us your CV using the following link. We will answer you as soon as possible.
En este artículo os descubrimos las superficies de suelos más fáciles de mantener limpios y seis consejos prácticos para mantenerlos en buen estado de limpieza.
Claves para prevenir Listeria Monocytogenes en cocinas de colectividades de riesgo: limpieza, desinfección, control de biofilms y guia de controles regulares.
En este artículo os hacemos un resumen de la "Guía de Análisis de peligros y puntos de control críticos en el sector cervecero español". Un ?
Our activity is developed according to our own quality policies, which are endorsed by the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 certifications.
Mullor became the second Spanish firm in the sector to certificate according to the ISO 9001 in 1999. We dedicate more hours to training every year since then.
Mullor has become the first firm of maintenance and hygiene in both Spain and Portugal to certify according to the ISO 22000 in 2012.
This ISO 22000 certification is the ISO certification equivalent to IFS and BRC, which are the usual references in quality and safety management in the food, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.
Mullor certified its operations according to the ISO 14001 in 2008. Our integration and responsibility in the supply and services chains of our clients is maximum.
Mullor, S.A. ha certificado su sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo mediante la ISO 45001, permitiendo el impulso de las actividades preventivas, favoreciendo la complicada gestión preventiva derivada de la dispersión geográfica de los centros de trabajo y de la multiplicidad de requisitos de nuestros clientes consecuencia de la multisectorialidad de su actividad.
La integración de la actividad preventiva de Mullor, S.A. con la de nuestros clientes, nuestra alineación con sus políticas y objetivos se verán favorecidos con la implantación de este estándar.