In the health sector, it is very important to distinguish high, medium and low risk areas in order to be able to carry out the specific protocols for each of them and properly train staff.
Cleaning teams must be clear about how they should work and the implications that may come from not complying with the protocols.
Careful team training, close communication and good follow-up are essential to ensure that processes are carried out as they should be.
In the Sanitary sector, we offer the following services:
- Reception services
- Access control services in parkings
- Archive and pouch services
- Telephone operators services
- Facilities regulatory maintenance
- Facilities corrective maintenance
- Sanitary centres integral cleaning: consulting rooms and high, medium and low risk areas
- Hyigiene and protocol plan development
- Protocol and planning fulfillment tracking through our own web-based platform
- File confidential destruction
- Waste management
- Operation room and clean room technical decontamination
- Conditioning systems decontamination
- Smoke extraction ducts cleaning
- Vertical works
- Technical areas specialized cleaning
- Environmental quality auditings
- Environmental quality certifications
- Pest control
- Legionella prevention
- Mass catering services
- Lifelines installation
For enterprises of the health industry with more than 50 permanent workers, there is the chance of hiring our services through our Special Work Centre.