Our Method

our method

Mullor's working method

Mullor's working method and our level of commitment to it is the reflection of our service philosophy and our distinctive value as a service provider company.


The range of services offered and developed by Mullor is very wide..


For example, the technical skills and resources required for provision of a gardening service in a school , they are very different from a cleaning service or a pharmaceutical industry . And in turn, the service requirements of a steel mill are very different from a corporate headquarters in which the most important clients of a multinational are served.


All these requirements are critical, important and unique for each client and service.


Behind each client, though, we see the same key ingredients of a working method and the same challenges as service managers.

Key ingredients

Our method, tested and improved over the years, has 8 key ingredients:

With these ingredients, we create service projects that are valuable and sustainable for our clients.

personal auxiliar de control

Our commitment with this working method is also our commitment with our human team and with our clients.

Ingredients of our working method

1.- Commitment to what has been planned and agreed.

As a firm, we want to fulfil what's been agreed with the client. In order to do so, we draw from one premise: we must know what our client expects from us. We can only do what is expected from us if we know it.

It is essential to understand what our client wants and to have a communication channel. Once this is settled, we can plan and develop a structured service that can be assessed, contrasted and that provides objective quality.

2.- Place the customer as first priority.

The commercial department wishes to sell new services, but it is also required to sell coherent services, this is, services that are technically possible, economically sustainable and satisfactory to our clients.

Its mission is to make sure that the service provided is achievable and satisfactory for all stakeholders. If the client comes first, it has to come first since the beginning of the service development.

3.- Present
what is possible.

When we offer a service to a customer, we offer the implementation of a project that must be technically assessed in terms of human resources, training and risk prevention.

With teamwork, resource investment and previous work so it is a cause for satisfaction to all when it is implemented. Investing and teamworking improves the results.

4.- Focus in what we are good at.

We know what, how and when we are good at. We have grown over the years thank to our clients' needs by expanding our services' offer and by providing a highly effective activity in most geographical areas.

Even though our scope of action is wide, we still consider ourselves as a medium-sized firm, honest in its proposals and solutions.

We get new clients thanks to our enthusiasm and knowing that we want and we will be able to provide a good service by keeping ourselves focused and coherent.

5.- Respect the responsible for providing the service.

Our working method is based on considering our workers as the main characters of the service provided and to put ourselves in the services and companies managers' position.

They suggest nothing that they wouldn't suggest for themselves. Our personal experience and our respect towards people compel us to be aware that most of the services depend on the willingness and responsibility of those who work with our clients.

6.- Lead
by example.

A well planned, achievable and sustainable service also requires a good tracking and monitoring.

The services are implemented by people who interact with other people. Every little change in terms of human resources may lead to a restatement of the activity.

Nothing is satisfactorily sustainable without monitoring. This is a cost element that we can't forget when we are planning a project. All organisation must be oriented to achieve quality in the services hired by our clients.

7.- Be with
the client.

Be with the client. Escort him. As a service provider we must answer and attend our clients. We must be there agilely, eagerly and quickly. Escort the client in their decision, growth and development processes.

8.- Add taste, textures, innovation and flexibility according to our clients' needs.

Each client resembles another client in some aspect, maybe even in more than one. However, it is also different to all other clients. Identify the differences. Identify and adapt to diversity as a specialized provider. Contribute with our experience in order to improve the service that our clients receive.

Our method is designed and applied in order to handle all the service
management in a reliable way.
Our professionals, our coordination and our working technologies allow each client to have a customized solution on a daily basis.
Our clients are sure that they will easily have the services they need whenever they need them: as if they switched a light on.

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